Industry programme 2022

Experts from the best European film festivals for children and youth and from the project Art of Survival Documentaries | discussions, presentations, networking

Industry programme


For teachers, film professionals and all those interested in audiovisual education


Friday 22nd  April 2022 | 9:00 - 18:30 | Centrum současného umění DOX (Poupětova 1, Praha 7)


The aim of Industry programme 2022, The Visegrad Young Film Days, is to refine the topic of short films for young people (12-18 years) during the meeting on 22nd of April 2022 in Centre for Contemporary Art DOX, Prague. Invited experts from the best European film festivals for children and youth and from the project Art of Survival Documentaries (project is part of European capital of culture Tartu 2024) will present examples of good practice and all the participants will discuss the possibilities of how to think and work with this format regarding audiovisual education. 

For more information, please contact us at

The industry programme is part of The Visegrad Young Film Days (VYFD) project, which focuses on audiovisual education for children and young people. It focuses in particular on age groups that are often neglected in this field or for whom it is difficult to create educational programmes.



SCHEDULE (22nd APRIL 2022)


Opening & networking

Time: 9:00 – 10:00
Language: English
For: all participants


Instroduction of Industry programme, The Visegrad Young Film Fest. Netwroking activity for all participants on defining short film and short film possibilities.


Don’t look back:  The future is short

Talking: Monica Koshka-Stein (KUKI)

Time: 10:15 – 11:15
Language: English


Working with short films in audiovisual education is one of the most satisfying and exciting things you will ever do!


Say farewell to showing dusty old excerpts of classic feature films and embrace the freshness of the short form in all its urgency, diversity and creativity. Brief enough to be viewed in their entirety during one school lesson, and captivating enough to be rewatched and studied from various different angles. Short films are usually made independently of the commercial film industry and are therefore more likely to capture the Zeitgeist and tell authentic, meaningful stories while exploring the boundless possibilities of filmmaking.


In this open talk and presentation, Monica Koshka-Stein will highlight practical and empowering examples of how she uses short films in her work with children, teenagers and teachers in numerous ways:

– Curation workshops

– Young festival juries

– Film education workshops for teachers

– A soon-to-be-launched digital platform for German secondary schools, “Kurzfilm

im Klassenraum”


Beyond this, Monica will also talk about how to find short films to work with (film schools, distributions, educational platforms, institutes, streaming services) as well as the process and advantages of curating shorts for young audiences at KUKI Festival Berlin, the Generation section of the Berlinale and much more.


Kino w trampkach (Cinema in sneakers)

Talking: Sonia La Pape (Kino w trampkach)

Time: 11:15 – 12:15
Language: English


Sonia le Pape will introduce the Kino w Trampkach (Cinema in Sneakers), talk about the structure of the festival and about its 3 main activities: film, activities for and with young people, kids medialab/new media and other projects organised under Cinema in Sneakers.

The co-creators of Cinema in Sneakers: Youth Programming Group, Young Jurors (Childred Jury and Youth Jury), Youth Festival Studio, Young Volunteers, Parents Jury, Special actions to general public.

Further, she talked about how the Cinema in Sneakers worked during COVID-19. Lastly, she mentioned their ideas for the future: they want to develop activities for young viewers in an international environment. What do they need and what are they looking for?


DOX tour

Time: 13:00 – 14:00
Language: English

Tour through DOX, the Center of contemporary art in Prague.


BUFF Malmö Film Festival

Talking: Daniel Lundquist (BUFF)

Time: 14:15 – 15:45
Language: English


​​BUFF, Malmö Film Festival is every year screening more than 120 films for a young audience, and around half of the films are shorts. The aim of the festival is to show the best films in the world for children and young people, but what does that mean? Daniel Lundquist, head of programming at BUFF, will explain how they work with the selection of films and how they have developed a concept called 100% BUFF, where some key words are diversity, representation and young perspective. Special focus is placed on how short films can be used in teaching.


Nordic Youth Film Festival: two parts, one spirit!

Talking: Daniela Toma (NUFF)

Time: 15:45 – 16:45
Language: English


The Nordic Youth Film Festival (NUFF) is an annual short film festival and film workshop, for young filmmakers up to 26 years old from the Nordic countries & the world. NUFF is now divided into 2 parts: the eternal sunshine of the midnight sun in June for the NUFF Workshop, and the ethereal glow of the polar night in November for the NUFF Festival. Based at the youth culture house Tvibit in Tromsø, Northern Norway, NUFF has already a long success-story. The goal is to promote and support youth cinema, as well as provide educational tools to aspiring filmmakers in Norway and beyond.

With its film and film music workshop NUFF is gathering around 40 young participants every year in June from different parts of the world. The participants, divided into groups, make a film "from idea to finished film" in 6 days supervised by professional filmmakers from different countries. The goal is to get the film ready towards the deadline and watch the results together on the big scene in one of Northern Europe's oldest cinemas, Verdensteatret Kino. During the film festival, NUFF has two film competitions (Nordic and International) for short films (under 20 minutes). About 30 films are nominated for each competition, while other events/workshops or masterclasses take place throughout the year in collaboration with our partners making NUFF a unique meeting point for upcoming filmmakers and a great network for young filmmakers around the world.

This year is quite special for NUFF as we are proud to celebrate its' 20 years anniversary!


Art of survival documentaries Tartu 2024

Talking: Liisa Nurmela (Art of Survival Documentaries)

Time: 17:00 – 18:00
Language: English


Located in South Estonia, Tartu is the European Capital of Culture in 2024. Arts of Survival Documentaries is a part of the Tartu 2024 main programme and carries the values of the Arts of Survival concept - uniqueness, sustainability, awareness, and co-creation. We invite Estonian and European documentary filmmakers to capture the unique people and places of Tartu and South Estonia. Eight short documentaries will be produced by independent filmmakers under the collective name "Arts of Survival" addressing various topics about nature, active local communities, rustic grocery stores in rural areas and startups in Tartu. Through the stories told, we reveal those extraordinary and ordinary people and places that are important for the existence of a place. The project has many sub-programmes targeted to different audiences, including high-schoolers in the region.


The Visegrad Young Film Days project was supported by:


Sonia Le Pape

Producer and programmer of the International Film Festival for kids and youth Cinema in Sneakers (Kino w Trampkach) | read more about Sonia

Liisa Nurmela

As the owner of Nurmeli Productions, she is working with Arts of Survival Documentaries | read more about Liisa