SCHOOL SCREENINGS Young and Short 2024: What if?

Short films for young people from 12 to 14 years old.

Young Film fest's school screenings will feature selected short films from the Young and Short 2024 distribution lineup that characterizes its generation. Young film jurors from 12 to 14 years old have selected the best short films for their peers from the contemporary European short film cinematography. A visually thrilling documentary about migrating walruses, a social drama about the search for identity, an exciting Nordic detective story and a cute ecological cartoon about Edgar and his cow. These are topics crucial for the young generation. The length of the film lineup is 60 minutes. The school screening is accompanied by a moderator's introduction and a discussion with an expert guest.

Young & Short cultivates critical and aesthetic thinking in an unconventional and fun way, giving peers the opportunity to inspire each other with their opinions and attitudes. It offers a varied excursion into different film genres and creative approaches and gives young people the opportunity to become an active part of the Czech film environment.

The Young Film Fest´s school screening is presented by the young juror Lukáš Hladík. The discussion is led by Filip Kršiak who focuses on film and audiovisual education.




My Name Is Edgar and I Have a Cow






The Shift

Lukáš Hladík

Lukáš Hladík is a twenty-year-old student who begins his studies of Theatre Science at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University this year. Apart from his studies, he also volunteers and does creative writing. He is also a member of the Youth Consultation Group of the European Film Club. What fascinates him most about film is that it is a combination of different artistic disciplines that merge into one whole.

Filip Kršiak

Filip Kršiak has been discussing films for almost 20 years and he still enjoys it. His favourite films include Antichrist, In Bruges and The Dark Knight