Beyond barriers: Making cinema a shared experience for all

Karin Spišáková

Watching films in the cinema often brings us joy other than just the film itself. However, not everyone has the same easy access to the cinema experience. Kino Úsmev, a cinema based in Košice, has been putting effort into inclusive activities for various vulnerable groups for several years. These include, in particular, inclusive film screenings and an inclusive film school. By respectfully listening to disadvantaged groups, their experiences and needs, we can break down spatial, technical and other barriers, and enable the fullest possible cinema experience for a diverse audience.

Karin Spišáková

Karin Spišáková graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Film Studies and Sociology from the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague, where she is currently pursuing her Master's degree. Occasionally she creates and publishes audiovisual essays. She has worked at several film festivals, for example as a programmer at the regional film festival One World Košice. Since June 2023, she has been working as a project manager at the cinema - Kino Úsmev in her hometown of Košice, where she is mainly involved in activities for the development of young audiences. Themes of social justice, civic engagement and inclusion are important to her.