Klassz programme: Classical movies in education

Emese Erdös

The NFI – Film Archive’s educational programme for young audiences (age 3–25) is Klassz programme. The programme offers educational materials and online games developed by pedagogues (literature, visual arts, history etc.), NFI – Film Archive organizes student screenings, workshops for families, school groups and educators, events at cultural festivals, competitions, lectures and camps.

Emese Erdös

She’s been working at the National Film Institute since 2017, for two and a half years as the Fast Forward Program’s coordinator, she organized workshops and masterclasses for young filmmakers. She’s been working at the Film Archive as an education officer since March 2020. She develops educational content and coordinates the Klassz Program – educational and youth program. Previously, she was a cultural program organizer at Budapest Film, an art house cinema exhibitor company, and the curator of the exhibition ‘90 years old Puskin Cinema’. Prior to that, she worked as a drama teacher and the artistic director of the Mandragora Theater.