Mariupol: A Hundred Nights

Mariupol: A Hundred Night is an expressive animated film that uses charming animation, raw collages made from actual photographs, as well as sequences created from children’s drawings. It tells the story of a four-year-old girl who wakes up on February 24, 2022, during an air raid in Mariupol. She runs through the city, staring at the burning debris, desperately trying to find survivors. Without any dialogue, the film captures the experience of the early days of the war through the eyes of the youngest involuntary participants in this brutal conflict. The soundtrack features the insistent rhythm of the song “Кolesa hlukho stukotiat“ by the notable Ukrainian poet and dissident Vasyl Stus.


directed by: Sofiia Melnyk

year: 2023

duration: 7 min

country: Ukraine, Germany