Pre-school film education in Danish Film Insitute

Lisbeth Juhl Sibbesen

Film stimulates children’s understanding of diverse topics, language, visual storytelling and digital skills – even at a very young age. The Preschool App and Website (Børnebiffen i Dagtilbud) , a streaming site and creative tool, features more than 400 short films and a number of added activities for children aged 3-6 and their educators in kindergartens. It is a platform for collaboration, play and experience through film, images and sound.

Lisbeth Juhl Sibbesen

Lisbeth Arto Juhl Sibbesen is editor of film education at the Danish Film Institute. Her main focus is to qualify film and media education in kindergartens and schools and increase the knowledge of film as an art form. Lisbeth has also developed and facilitated courses in film education throughout Denmark for many years and published articles on film education and film analysis. Lisbeth holds a master's degree in French and Film & Media Science.