Pia Djukic: Short Film in the Classroom

Film education is anchored in the framework curriculum as part of media education in Germany and short films are ideal for use in the classroom.To make it easier for teachers to work with films, Pia developed as part of the “Short Film in the Classroom team” a concept of a short film platform, with highly flexible compatibility for teaching. The themes and styles of the films are very diverse and can be dealt with in different school subjects in secondary level I and II. The compilation of the current short films have already been shown at the KUKI - Young Short Film Festival Berlin and were very well received by the young audience. The teaching material is clearly and simply structured and teachers do not have to do a lot of preparatory work. This means, for example, that it can also be used sensibly and effectively in substitute teaching. Pia gives a brief overview of this platform and how short films can be used in her subjects German and art in particular and shows a few of her students' work results.

Pia Djukic

Pia is the artistic director and co-founder of the Festival of Animation Berlin (FAB) and art and German teacher at Primo - Levi - Gymnasium, Berlin. She is also an animator and completed her studies in animation directing at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF after completing her teacher training at the ABK Stuttgart and the University of Stuttgart.