The next regular Summoning Game Design, produced in collaboration with the Audiovisual Centre, will focus on educational games and their potential in learning. The program is designed for active teachers and active professionals in the video game and film industry.
Marion Decloitre, coordinator of the video games department at cinema Quai10 in Charleroi, Belgium.
Terry Klaban, student of New Media Studies, graduated in Film Studies and Czech Language and Literature. He works as a Czech language lecturer, has also worked at film festivals and in a non-profit organization.
Katka Šťastná, student of Information Studies and Librarianship currently working on a bachelor thesis based around testing of game-based educational digital apps.
Videogames in Quai10
In her presentation, Marion will present how Quai10 works with the educational potential of video games and what makes Quai10 unique within the cinema network in Europe.
"Playing Kafka: The Castle" Game – testing and methodology for lower secondary schools
Educational game from Charles Games studio, in which you take the role of land surveyor K. Through his point of view you get to know Franz Kafka's famous novel The Castle. In the presentation we will show you how the game was tested and how the methodology for pupils aged 11 - 15 was made. During its creation was also developed an interactive roleplaying game that can be used as a school activity.
True Story - Amnesty International's educational game
The True Story app by Amnesty International is a storytelling platform that allows users to experience real-life human rights cases. It presents interactive narratives based on true stories of people who have faced human rights violations. Through immersive storytelling, the app educates users about global injustices and human rights. The app is used in Amnesty's educational workhops.
In the programme's final part, Marion Decloitre and Terry Klaban will discuss the possibilities and approaches to the use of video games in education.
The duration of the programme is 90 minutes.