Young Film Fest zná první vítěze

First Young Film Fest Prize was awarded

First Young Film Fest Award was granted!


Today, the young jurors from the ages of 12 to 14 selected the award-winning film. It is an animated film On The 8th Day, directed by five French directors - A. Sénéchal, A. Massez, E. Debruyne, F. Carin and Théo Duhautois. The film depicts a colourful knitted world full of animals and plants that are gradually consumed by a destructive dark thread. Seven days are said to be enough to create the world, but just one may be enough to destroy it. The film uses a punchy metaphor to show the consequences of breaking the ancient bond with nature and allowing a single force to take control of everything else.


In addition, the jury also awarded a special mention to My Name Is Edgar and I Have a Cow. The animated film by director Filip Diviak tells the story of Edgar, a naive, kindly bachelor whose journey collides one day with a newborn calf, which he becomes utterly enchanted by and takes home. However, as it happens, the calf has grown into a cow, and so, in a small apartment block, Edgar and the cow begin an uneasy coexistence.


The young audience, who had a unique opportunity to sit on the jury today, chose from six short films and during the day also attended several workshops led by experienced lecturers in the Kino Kavalírka - a workshop on video making with AI, video editing with AI and a workshop on film writing.


Congratulations to the directors of the award-winning films and we hope that we have not seen the last of the young film enthusiasts who sat on the jury today!