Petr Váša's Workshop: Rajčaťáci a Banáni

A physical poetry workshop for beginners and advanced poets of any age.

Author's reading, declaiming and singing from the book, which is intended for children as well as for curious adults. Holiday stories of little performers (writers-actors-directors) inventing different kinds of art as if starting from scratch. If needed, "readings" can segue into lectures on philosophy and workshops on physical poetry. Or into a more flamboyant performance of physical poetry devoted primarily to "children's" themes.

Physical poetry is a unique way of working with language. In addition to ordinary spoken and written language, it also uses - as simply and originally as possible - the language of movements, sounds, gestures and images, in varying extents and in different combinations, or it abandons ordinary language and creates a new language that is personal and yet generally understandable.

Petr Váša

Petr Váša is a writer, musician, visual artist and performer. Besides performing with the bands Ty Syčáci and Jasná páka, he is the creator of the concept of physical poetry, blurring the boundaries between poetry, music, visual and dramatic art.  He was born in 1965 in Brno, where he also studied art history. Since 1992 he has been giving physical poetry seminars and workshops for various art schools, associations and festivals. He has presented his work on many stages at home and abroad and published it in various media.  In 2023, Host Publishing House published his children's book Rajčaťáci a Banáni, awarded as The Most Beautiful Czech Book of the Year in spring 2024. The book has been persistently reviving during more and more interactive performances not only for children.