INDUSTRY Teachers for Teachers: The Use of Film in Education

Are you a teacher, principal or active lecturer and want to work with film in your teaching? We have prepared an inspiring programme just for you.

The focus of the first day of the industry programme at the 8th Young Film Fest will be on sharing the good practice of teachers who have been working with film in their classrooms on a consistent and long-term basis. This international meeting of teachers from the Netherlands, Germany, Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia will provide the platform for sharing the experiences and ideas on how to exploit not only film's creative potential, but also the wide spectrum of possibilities that film as an educational tool offers.

In addition to these inspiring presentations, we call for the active involvement of all participants through workshops. Participants will be divided into groups to work on defining their needs to help facilitate the use of film in the classroom. The groups will work under the guidance of two lecturers. The lecturers are the recent winner of the prestigious Dutch Film Teacher of the Year award, Remon Klik, and a teacher, university lecturer and Berlinale school project leader, Martin Ganguly.

The programme will be held in English. Presentations will be simultaneously translated into Czech.




10:00 - 10:30 REMON KLIK: How to hook your audience (20 min + 10 min Q&A)

10:30 - 11:00 MARTIN GANGULY: Film education project at the John-Lennon-Gymnasium in Berlin (20 min + 10 min Q&A)

11:00 - 11:30 PIA DJUKIC: Short Film in the Classroom (20 min + 10 min Q&A)

11:30 - 12:00 JAN SPĚVÁČEK: How media education can be taught (20 min + 10 min Q&A) 


12:00 - 12:45 LUNCH BREAK



The workshops will not be translated into Czech and are only open to fluent English-speaking teachers. 

Participants will be divided into 2 groups. The length of one workshop is 45 min. After 45 minutes, the groups will rotate and work for another 45 minutes under the guidance of the other lecturer.




For more information, please contact

Remon Klik

Remon Klik is an Amsterdam based, innovative film teacher and educational developer. Working in a high school for 23 years he produced many different film projects for students. After graduating at Middlesex University with a BA (Hons) in film production in 2009 he started his own film production company and he developed an extensive film curriculum for a high school in Amsterdam named HLZ. For this film curriculum he won the award for ‘Film teacher of the Year ‘23/’24’. After winning this award he decided to devote his working life to promote and develop film education and start working for Network Film Education in Amsterdam. Remon is also one of the founders and producers of the ‘Documaken Film Festival’ where students can screen their documentary made in their last year of high school. Together with other film teachers he developed different workshops and an online programme on to guide students and teachers to produce their non-fiction movies.

Martin Ganguly

Dr. Martin Ganguly is head of the Berlinale's school project since 2004 and is a university lecturer, teacher, author, moderator, consultant, examiner and coach in the fields of (film and theatre) education for various institutions and publishers in Germany and abroad. In addition to his teaching degree and his Ph.D., the educational and media scientist also studied directing and acting at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna. Four of his multimedia teaching materials have been awarded the prestigious European Comenius Medal. From 2013-2020 he was curator/facilitator for the Germany-wide project “Klassiker sehen-Filme verstehen” (“See Classics, Understand Classics”) of the DFA (Deutsche Filmakademie) /Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung for the mediation of film history and works as  well as a freelancer for the DFF (Deutsches Filminstitut) in Frankfurt and for the Wim Wenders Foundation in as well as for several intercultural educational projects.

Pia Djukic

Pia is the artistic director and co-founder of the Festival of Animation Berlin (FAB) and art and German teacher at Primo - Levi - Gymnasium, Berlin. She is also an animator and completed her studies in animation directing at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF after completing her teacher training at the ABK Stuttgart and the University of Stuttgart.

Jan Spěváček

Jan Spěváček /CZ/ is a teacher, copywriter and poet. He mainly teaches IT at the lower grades (3–5) of the Seifertova Elementary  School in Jihlava, but he will talk about the compulsory elective subject Media Education with 8th grade students. Within this subject he cooperates with the Center for Documentary Film /CDF/ in Jihlava  and its lecturers — together they make short fiction and documentary films.